HazMat Documents

Allstar MSDS Product Listing


Hazardous materials information sheets.

Per the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard (HCS), manufacturers and distributors of hazardous and potentially hazardous chemicals must provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all relevant products. MSDS must contain pertinent information on chemical composition, health hazards and emergency counteractive procedures. A MSDS for every hazardous chemical must be available in the workplace.

We have compiled hazard communications data for products that we handle. They are available by request (click the button below). Available vital safety information:

  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - Prepared to OSHA, ACC, ANSI, WHMIS and 2001/58 EC Standards, these sheets outline safety information for all chemical related products we sell.
  • Emergency Response Guides (ERG) - Guide outlines Potential Hazards, Public Safety Considerations, and Emergency Response and First Aid instructions.
  • Chemical Response Cards (CRC) - Cards identify each chemical and contain information with regard to Principal Hazards, the appropriate steps to secure the area, clean-up and decontamination procedures, as well as follow-up and First Aid measures.

Identify the material by Part Number and Description. Please supply that information in the email via the below link.

Email Request MSDS info@allstarperformance.com

Emergency Contact (Only)269-210-4008